Some hints on setting up PuTTY/VNC on Windows (this is certainly correct for Win7, I *think* Win10 is the same, please send corrections!) To generate public/private keys: install PuTTY Run the PuTTYgen program, select RSA, 2048 bits, SSH-2. and 'generate' the keys. Save the 'public' key to a file like "" with -> your name, in your Documents/Desktop or somewhere else you can find it easily. Save the 'private' key to your 'home' directory: C:\Users\\ where is your Windows user name. with name ssh-key.PPK The private key directory/name is so that the script files provided can find it easily, you'll have to edit the script files if the private key is somewhere else. EMAIL the PUBLIC key to me ( The file "test_ssh.bat" on this page can be downloaded to your desktop, make sure it's really has the .bat extension, and double-click. It will test if you have PuTTY and TigerVNC installed in the standard places, if your private key is in the expected place, and try an ssh connection. If all goes well, you should be ready to try VNC connections.