Some notes on finding the NMR resonances. FIRST: make sure you do the 'configuration/connect', otherwise the program isn't talking to the NMR setup. It should take a few seconds and then show 'connected' to 'Serial #102'. It can be hard! When I demonstrated the NMR setup in lecture, it looked like there wasn't a sample. But there was, it was just out of view. So, some hints on finding the NMR resonances: set the "gain" resonably high, 50 or so, and move it higher if it looks like there's a small "blip" that could be the resonance. Use the magnetic field scan (B scan) and set it to a fairly large value: it's set by default to 5 G.s, and I had to use 50 G.s, and then suddenly the resonance showed up on the right side of the display. Once you find a resonance in the scan, you can adjust the B0 value (the 'central' magnetic field: the B-scan goes from below B0 to above B0) to move the resonance to the center of the display, THEN decrease the B-scan size, and increase the 'scan time' to get better data. If your resonance doesn't look like the nice 'blip' shown in the NMR_setup.PNG screen-capture, try adjusting the 'phase' Good luck!